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Breakdown Archiv

Verfasst: 31.05.08 13:00
von BanzA

Ok gut, wie hier besprochen ist das Breakdown Archiv nun wieder geöffnet.
Ich freue mich über jeden Beitrag und werde selbst in kommender Zeit auch noch viele Breakdowns dazu schreiben.

Rechtschreibfehler, Ergänzungen, Anregungen, Lob, Kritik und so weiter bitte per PN an mich schicken!

Wenn ihr ein Breakdown habt, und der noch nicht im Archiv ist, dann schreibt mir bitte ein PN mit folgenden Daten, oder verfasst einen neuen Post in diesem Thread, ich werde das dann reineditieren, wichtig sind nur folgende Daten:
  • Name des Penspinners
  • Herkunft/Forum des Penspinners (also JEB, UPSB, Swespin, usw)
  • Name des Videos und Zeit in der die Combo zu sehen ist
  • Link zu dem Video, am besten zum Runterladen (rapidshare etc), da ich die Videos sowieso runterladen werde um sie neu hochzuladen, falls sie mal down sein sollten und natürlich wegen der Quallität <- nicht unbedingt notwendig
  • Name des Breakdowners (evtl auch Herkunft/Forum)
  • und natürlich der Breakdown selbst.
Bitte benutzt die offizielle Schreibweise, ansonsten muss ich das umschreiben da ich ein uniformes Archiv will und kein Kuddelmuddel wo es mal so und mal so steht.

Falls ihr einen Breakdown haben wollt, könnt ihr entweder mich direkt fragen und ich schreib ihn rein, oder ihr fragt im "Breakdown Nachfrage"-Thread.



Ihr werdet euch wahrscheinlich über dieses "Aa bis Az" anstatt "A" wundern; das hat damit zutun, dass ich die Posts wahrscheinlich noch aufteilen werde, z.B. in "Aa bis Am" und "An bis Az", falls ein Post pro Buchstabe nicht ausreicht.


Das Archiv ist noch in Arbeit! Es ist längst noch nicht alles fertig, dennoch werden neue Breakdwons aufgenommen und ich bemühe mich sie so schnell wie es mir möglich ist sie reinzuschreiben.


"!" vor dem Namen einer Combo: Breakdown ungeprüft auf Inhalt/Form
"~" vor dem Namen einer Combo: Breakdown ungeprüft auf Inhalt, geprüft/berichtigt i.d. Form

0 bis 9

Verfasst: 31.05.08 13:03
von BanzA
----- 0 bis 9 -----

0 2
~Sangkm13th Copy Video
Block: anzeigen
Video: "Sangkm13th" Copy Video
BDer: aeiou (GPC)
Zeitangabe: 1:12-1:28
NeoBackaround 12-12 > fl. Pass 12-23 > MiddleBackaround 23-23 [s 1.5] > MiddleBackaround 23-12 1.0 > Shadow Rev. 12-12 > fl. Pass 12-23 > MiddleBackaround 23-23 [s 1.5] > MiddleBackaround 23-12 > Twisted Sonic Rev. 12-23 > MiddleAround 23-23 > Pass Rev. 23-12-T1 > Charge T1 > Backaround Rev. T1-12 > Pass Rev. 12-23-34 > ThumbAround T3-T1 > TA rev. T1-23 > Sonic 23-12 > Neosonic 12-T1 > Fl. Thumbaround Rev. T1-12 > Backaround Release 12-T1 [p] [s 1.5] ~ Halftap Rev. T1-12 [s 0.5] [c] > Counter Pass 12-12 > Sonic Rev. 12-23 > Charge Rev. 23 [p] ~ Devils Around 23-23 [c] > Fl. Pass Rev. 23-12 > Backaround Rev. 12-12 > Pass Rev. 12-23 > Counter Pass Rev. 23-23 > Pass Rev. 23-12-T1 > ThumbAround Ext. T1-12 bust > Fl. Pass Rev. 12-T1 > Fl. ThumbAround T1-T1 [p] ~ Ba rev. T1-12 [s 1.5] [c] > Fl. Pass Rev. 12-T1 > TA Ext. T1-12 Bust > ThumbAround Ext. T1-12 Bust

Aa bis Az

Verfasst: 31.05.08 13:09
von BanzA
----- A -----

Block: anzeigen
Video: Putfile
BDer: neXus (GPC)
Zeitangabe: 0:14-0:26
Sonic 34-23 > Charge 23 > Inv. Sonic 23-12 > Warped Sonic 12-23 > Pass 23-34 > Passaround 34-23 > Tw. Sonic 23-12 > Rev. Sonic 12-23 > Fake Double T2-12 > Inv. Rev. Tw. Sonic 12-23 > Middlearound 23-23 > Rev. Pass 23-12 > Rev. Sonic 12-23 > Tw. Sonic 23-12 > Pass 12-23 > Middlearound 23-23 > Pass 23-12 > Rev. Charge 12 > Rev. Tw. Sonic 12-23 > Rev. Sonic Clip 24 [p] ~ MiddleAround 24-23 [c] > Passaround 23-12 > Rev. Tw. Sonic 12-23 > Devil's Shadow 12-12 [p] ~ Rev. Bak 1.5 12-12 [c] > Rev. Inv. Tw. Sonic 12-23 > Tw. Sonic 23-12 > Thumbaround Extended T1-12 > Fingerless TS 1.0 [c switch]
Alan (Swespin)
~7 Penspinners in a collaboration
Block: anzeigen
Video: 7 Penspinners in a collaboration.
BDer: aeiou (GPC)
Zeitangabe: 01:39 - 01:51
Charge rev. 12 > Neoback 12-12 > tw. sonic rev. 12-23 > inv. tw. sonic rev. 23-34 > Pass 34-23 > tw. Sonic 23-12 > Shadow 12-23 > tw. sonic 23-12 > Pass rev. 12-t1 > Neosonic rev. t1-12 > tw. sonic rev. 12-23 > Pass rev. 23-12 ~ tw. sonic rev. 12-23 > tw. sonic rev. 23-34 > Pass rev. 34-23-12 ~ tw. sonic rev. 12-23 > Pass rev. 23-34 > Sonic 34-23 > tw. sonic 23-12 bust bust
Alucard (GPC)
~Alucards 2nd
Block: anzeigen
Video: Alucards 2nd
BDer: Robert
Zeitangabe: 00:42 - 00:47
ta rev > NeoBack 12-23 > tw Sonic Bust > neosonic 12-t1 > fl ta rev t1-23 > tw Sonic > Wiper rev > Sonic harmonic (palm down)
Asian Tim
~First Try Combo
Block: anzeigen
Video: First Try 89
BDer: Nexus
Zeitangabe: -
Demons Sonic 34-12 > Pass 12-23 > Inv. Sonic 23-12 ~ Pass 13-34 > Tw. Sonic 34-23 > Rev. Pass 23-12 > Inv. Rev. Tw. Sonic 12-23 > Tw. Sonic 23-12 > Rev. Pass 12-T1 > Charge T1 > Rev. NeoSonic T1-12 > Inv. Rev. Tw. Sonic 12-23 > MiddleAround 23-23 > Inv. Sonic 23-12 ~ Shadow 12-23 > Tw. Sonic Bust 23-12
~Half-Year Video
Block: anzeigen
Video: Asian Tim´s 6 Month Video
BDer: SteenJ
Zeitangabe: 0:03 - 2:00
[0:03 - 0:06]
Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust Rev 23-34
[0:10 - 0:11]
TA Riser 4.0
[0:15 - 0:22]
(Neosonic Rev T2-23 > Pass Rev 23-T2) x5 > TA
[0:26 - 0:35]
Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Pass Rev 23-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > PassAround 23-12 > Pass 12-23-34 > Inv Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Shadow 12-23 > Charge 23 > Inv Sonic 23-12 > Wiper Rev 13 > Pass Rev 13-34 > Pass Rev 34-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Charge 23 > Inv Sonic 23-12 > Pass 12-23-34 > Inv Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12
[0:35 - 0:40]
Neosonic 12-T1 > Neosonic Rev T1-12 > Pass 12-23 > Pass Rev 23-34 > Pass 34-23 > Pass Rev 23-12 > Pass 12-23 > Pass Rev 23-34 > Inv Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Bak Rev
[0:41 - 0:56]
Bak 1.5 12-12 > Pass 12-23 > Warped Sonic Rev 23-12 > Pass Rev 12-23-34 > Pass Rev 34-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > PassAround 23-12 > Pass 12-23 > PassAround 23-12 > Pass 12-23 > Pass Rev 23-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Pass Rev 23-34 > Charge Rev 34 > Pass 34-23 > Charge 23 > Shadow 13-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Pass 23-12 > NeoSonic 12-T1 > TF Charge Rev > FL TA Rev T1-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Charge 23 > MA > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12
[0:56 - 1:10]
Half Tap > ThumbMiddleAround 1.5 > Pass Rev 23-34 > Sonic 34-23 > Pass Rev 23-12> Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Pass Rev 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23-34 > Sonic Clip 34-23 > Charge 23 > Neo Sonic 13-T1 > Pass T1-12-23 > MiddleBackaround 23-23 > Pass Rev 23-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Pass Rev 12-34 > Sonic 34-23 > Charge 23 > Neo Sonic 13-T1 > Half Tap Rev > Bak Rev
[1:10 - 1:20]
Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Pass 23-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > TA > TA Rev > Sonic 23-12 > Neo Sonic 12-T1 > Neo Sonic Rev T1-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Shadow 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > TA
[1:28 - 1:42]
Sonic Clip 34-23 > Charge 23 > Inv Sonic 23-12 > Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Pass Rev 23-12 > Charge Rev 12 > Pass Rev 12-23 > PassAround 23-12 > Pass 12-23 > PassAround 23-12 > Shift 12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > TS 1.5 > Half Tap > TA
[1:42 - 2:00]
Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Pass Rev 23-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Passaround 23-12 > Pass 12-23-34 > Inv Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > TA > TA Rev > NeoBak 12-123 > MidBak 23-12> Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Charge 23 > Inv Sonic 23-12 > Pass 12-23-34 > Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Pass Rev 23-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > PassAround 23-12 > Pass 12-23 > PassAround 23-12 > Pass 12-23 > PassAround 23-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Pass 23-12 > Neo Sonic 12-T1 > Tipped Sonic Reverse T1-T2-23 > Pass 23-12 > Neo Sonic 12-T1 > Tipped Sonic Reverse T1-12> Pass 12-23 > Pass Rev 23-12 > Inv Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Sonic 23-12 > Neo Sonic 12-T1 > FL TA Rev > Bak

Ba bis Bz

Verfasst: 31.05.08 13:15
von BanzA
----- B -----

Bonito (JEB)
~Bonito Solo Video
Block: anzeigen
Video: Bonito Solo Video
BDer: aeiou
Zeitangabe: 00:08 - 00:25
Sonic 34-23 [p] ~> Middlearound Rev. 24-23 [c] > Pass 23-12 > Backaround ~ Fl. Thumbaround Rev. > Charge Rev. 12 > Pass Rev. 12-23 > Twisted Sonic Rev. 23-34 > Pass 34-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 ~ Pass Rev. 12-T1 > Charge T1 > Pass Rev. T1-12-23 > Charge Rev. 23 > Pass Rev. 23-12 > Twisted Sonic Rev. 12-23 > Passaround 23-12 > Inverse Sonic Rev. 12-23 ~ Pass Rev. 13-34 > Warped Sonic Rev. 34-23 ~ Twisted Sonic Rev. 23-34 > Passaround 34-23 ~ Twisted Sonic Rev. 23-34 > Pass Rev. 34-23-12 > Charge Rev. 12 > Inverse Sonic Rev. 12-23 ~ Pass 13-34 > Fake Double T3-23 > Sonic Rev. 23-34 ~ Midlearound Rev. > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Neosonic 12-T1 > Charge Rev. T1 > Fl. Thumbaround Rev. > Pass 12-23 > Pass Rev. 23-12-T1 > Thumbaround Extended R1-12 > Pass Rev. 12-23 > Thumbaround Extended T2-12 ~ Backaround Rev. 12-12
Bonkura (JEB)
~Ballsign Modding
Block: anzeigen
Video: Ballsign Mod by Bonkura
BDer: Spin
Zeitangabe: 0:31-0:35
Pass Normal 12-23-34-23-12-23-34-23 > Sonic Normal 23-12 > Neosonic to Fl. TA Rev. > Corkscrew 23-12 > Fl. Thumbaround
~RiP Bonkura
Block: anzeigen
Video: RiPbonkura
BDer: aeiou
Zeitangabe: 00:48 - 01:00
[00:48 - 00:53]
Sonic x2 34-12 > Pass 12-23-34-23 > Sonic 23-12 > Neosonic 12-T1 > Fl. Thumbaround Rev. > Backaround > Neoback 12-12 ~> Backtap 12-12 > Fl. Pass Rev. 12-T1 > Fl Thumbaround
[00:53 - 01:00]
Flick [p][s 0.25] ~ Fl. Thumbaround Rev. [s 0.75][c 23] > Sonic 23-12 ~> Pass 13-34 > Demon's Sonic 34-12 > Sonic Rev. 12-23 > Fakedouble 23-12 > Pass rev. 12-23 > Twisted Sonic Rev. 23-34 > Pass 34-23 > Sonic 23-12 > Neosonic 12-T1 > Fl. Thumbaround Rev. > Charge 12 > Pass Rev. 12-T1 > Wiper > Fl. Thumbaround Rev. > Backaround
!Bonkura Solo 2nd
Block: anzeigen
Video: bonkura solo 2nd
Zeitangabe: 00:16 - 00:23
BDer: Transworld
BD: BA :+: Fl. TA Rev. -> BA 1.5 Cont x3 -> BA :+: Fl. TA Rev. to 23 -> Pass Normal 23-12 -> Warped Sonic Normal 12-23 (palm down) -> Tw. Sonic Normal 23-12 -> Fl TA Ext. -> Fl TA Ext Release
!Tribute to Bonkura
Block: anzeigen
Video:Tribute to Bonkura
0:11 - 0:23

Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: 1st 1/2 of Backfall :arrow: push pen up table twice :arrow: Sonic 34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: FL Halftap :arrow: FL TA

0:24 - 0:44

open CD drive to push pen across desk :arrow: Demon's Sonic 34-12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23 :arrow: Charge Rev 23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-12 :arrow: TA :arrow: let pen roll down desk :arrow: Demon's Sonic 34-12 :arrow: TA

0:45 - 0:52

2 3/4 Fingerpass Combo :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev into 23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-12 :arrow: Indexaround :arrow: TA

0:53 - 1:03

pen spins on a motor thing

1:04 - 1:17

Sonic 34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-13 to Pass 13-34 Hybrid :arrow: Demon's Sonic 34-12 :arrow: Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-12 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23-12 :arrow: Charge 12 :arrow: Inverse Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Neoback 12-12 :arrow: Backtap 12-23 1.0 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23-12 :arrow: Warped Sonic 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Leigun

1:18 - 1:31

Pass 12-23-34-23-12 :arrow: Warped Sonic 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34 :arrow: Demon's Sonic 34-12 :arrow: Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: TA Harmonic :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Inverse Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Charge 23 :arrow: Wiper 23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23-12 :arrow: Charge Rev 12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-T1 :arrow: Wiper Rev T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Backaround :arrow: FL Pass 12-23 :arrow: MiddleIndexback :arrow: FL Pass 12-23 :arrow: MiddleIndexback :arrow: FL Pass 12-23 :arrow: Midback

1:32 - 1:45

Sonic Clip 34-24 to Inverse Sonic 24-12 Hybrid

1:46 - 1:59

1 3/4 Fingerpass Combo :arrow: Charge Rev 23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-34-23-12 :arrow: Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-12-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-13 to Pass 13-34 Hybrid :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: FL Indexaround Rev :arrow: Indexaround :arrow: Charge 12 :arrow: Sonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Neoback 12-12 :arrow: Backtap 12-T1 FL TA Rev

2:00 - 2:10

Fingerpass Combo :arrow: Warped Sonic 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 34-23 :arrow: Extended TA T2-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23-12 :arrow: Warped Sonic 12-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: 1st 1/2 of Backfall :arrow: Charge Rev 12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23-12 :arrow: Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Double TA

2:11 - 2:22

Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: TA Harmonic :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Inverse Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Charge 23 :arrow: Wiper 23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Backaround :arrow: FL Pass 12-23 :arrow: IndexMiddleback :arrow: FL Pass 12-23 :arrow: IndexMiddleback :arrow: FL Pass 12-23 :arrow: Midback

2:23 - 2:28

Pass 34-23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Backaround :arrow: FL TA Rev into 23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Leigun

2:29 - 2:37

2 1/2 Fingerpass Rev Combo :arrow: 2 1/2 Fingerpass Combo :arrow: Warped Sonic 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Fake Double :arrow: FL TA

2:38 - 2:51

TA Rev :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Sonic 23-13 to Pass 13-34 Hybrid :arrow: Pass 34-24 :arrow: Pass Rev 24-12 :arrow: Inverse Sonic 12-13 to Pass Rev 13-34 Hybrid :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Neosonic 23-T1 :arrow: Charge Rev T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Backaround :arrow: FL TA Rev into 23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Fake Double :arrow: FL TA

2:52 - 3:07

Sonic 34-24 to Pass 24-12 Hybrid :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev into 34 :arrow: MiddleRingBack 34-12 :arrow: Inverse Sonic Rev 12-13 to Pass Rev 13-T1 Hybrid :arrow: Wiper Rev T1 :arrow: Wiper T1 :arrow: Pass Rev T1-12 :arrow: Charge Rev 12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23-12 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Sonic Rev 12-13 to Pass -13-34 Hybrid (Demon's Sonic Rev?) :arrow: Demon's Sonic 34-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23 :arrow: Inverse Sonic 23-13 to Pass 13-34 Hybrid :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Neosonic 23-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: TS 4.0

3:08 - 3:18

Triangle Pass 123 2.5 :arrow: Extended TA T1-34 :arrow: Sonic 34-24 to Pass 24-12 Hybrid :arrow: Pass 12-23 :arrow: Inverse sonic 23-13 to Pass 13-34 Hybrid :arrow: Pass Rev 34-13 :arrow: Indexaround 13-12 :arrow: Inverse Sonic Rev 12-13 to Wiper 13 Hybrid :arrow: Pass Rev 13-T1 :arrow: Wiper T1 :arrow: Fake Double :arrow: FL TA Release 4.0

3:19 - 3:30

Sonic 34-24 to Pass 24-12 Hybrid :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: TA T2-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev into 23 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Leigun to left hand :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass to right hand :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Neoback 12-12 1.0 :arrow: Midback :arrow: Midback

3:31 - 3:37 (2P2H)

At the same time: (right hand) Charge 12 :arrow: 1 1/4 Fingerpass Combo (left hand) Sonic Rise :arrow: Sonic Fall (only right hand now) Pass Rev 23-12 :arrow: Indexaround Release 1.5 around pen in left hand :arrow: Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 :arrow: Fake Double

3:38 - 3:51 (2P2H)

(right hand) Warped Sonic 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Charge Rev 12 :arrow: Charge Rev 12 :arrow: Inverse Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: iSonic :arrow: spread fingers :arrow: exit iSonic into 12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23-34-23-12 :arrow: Warped Sonic 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Leigun

(left hand) Sonic 34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23 :arrow: hide pen on palm and spread fingers :arrow: move hand offscreen

3:52 - 4:03

Warped Sonic 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Inverse Sonic Reverse 12-23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: iSonic :arrow: spread fingers :arrow: exit iSonic into 12 :arrow: Charge 12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Inverse Sonic Rev 12-13 to Pass Rev 13-34 Hybrid :arrow: Sonic 34-23

4:04 - 4:11 (2P2H)

(right hand) Sonic Rise :arrow: Inverse Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: iSonic :arrow: spread fingers :arrow: exit iSonic into 12 :arrow: Charge Rev 12

(left hand) Sonic 23-12 :arrow: hide pen on palm and spread fingers :arrow: unidentifiable tricks

4:12 - 4:22 (2P2H)

(left hand) Triangle Pass 123 2.5 :arrow: move hand offscreen

(right hand) Triangle Pass 123 12.5

4:23 - 4:36

Two Hand Triangle Pass 123 4.0 :arrow: Fake Double :arrow: FL TA :arrow: Two Hand Triangle Pass 123 5.0 :arrow: Fake Double :arrow: FL TA

4:39 - 5:21

Cont. Neosonic 12-T1 to FL TA Rev x100

5:22 - 5:29

Charge 12 :arrow: Fingerpass Combo x9 :arrow: Charge 12

5:30 - 5:39

Fingerpass Combo x7 :arrow: Charge 12

5:40 - 5:57 (hook and string)

Fingerpass Combo :arrow: Warped Sonic 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: TA Release :arrow: catch hook on string and swing it around :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: TA

5:58 - 6:11 (fork)

TA :arrow: TA :arrow: Pass 12-23-34 :arrow: Pass Rev 34-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12

6:12 - 6:27 (bottle with pen in it)

Triple Infinity :arrow: take pen out of bottle :arrow: Quadruple Infinity Fall :arrow: Quadruple Infinity Rise until 12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-12 :arrow: Indexaround

6:28 - 6:30

Fake Double :arrow: FL Fake Double

6:31 - 6:33

Fake Double :arrow: FL Fake Double Release 3.0 (catch 12)

6:34 - 6:36

Fake Double :arrow: FL Fake Double Release 2.5 (catch with left hand)

6:37 - 6:39

Fake Double :arrow: FL Fake Double Release 2.5 :arrow: Backhand Bounce (catch with right hand)

6:40 - 6:46

Fake Double :arrow: FL Fake Double Release 3.0 (catch 23) :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Fake Double Release 3.0 (catch 12)

6:47 - 7:07

TA Rev into 23 :arrow: Neosonic 23-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: TA T2-T3 :arrow: TA Rev (ring finger push) :arrow: Pass 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Backaround :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: FL Indexaround Rev Release 1.5 (catch 23) :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23-34 :arrow: Demon's Sonic 34-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23 :arrow: Inverse Sonic 23-13 to Pass 13-34 Hybrid :arrow: Pass Rev 34-13 :arrow: Pass Rev 13-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 23-34 :arrow: Sonic 34-24 to Pass 24-12 Hybrid :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev into 34 :arrow: MiddleRingback 34-12 :arrow: Charge Rev 12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23-12 :arrow: Fake Double Release 3.0 (catch 23) :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Fake Double :arrow: FL Fake Double Release 3.0 (catch 23)

7:08 - 7:19

Pass 12-23-34-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev into 23 :arrow: Extended TA T2-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Inverse Sonic Rev 12-13 to Pass Rev 13-34 Hybrid :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Warped Sonic 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Neosonic 23-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev into 23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-12 :arrow: FL Halftap :arrow: FL Double TA

7:20 - 7:30 (cell phone)

Pass Rev 23-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23-34 :arrow: Sonic Rise :arrow: Pass 12-23-34 :arrow: Sonic 34-23 :arrow: throw cell phone in air (catch 12) :arrow: throw cell phone to left hand :arrow: close cell phone

7:31 - 7:44

Fake Double :arrow: FL Extended TA T1-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34 :arrow: Demon's Sonic 34-12 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: TA T3-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev into 34 :arrow: Charge Rev 34 :arrow: Pass 34-23-12 :arrow: Charge Rev 12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-T1 :arrow: Wiper Rev T1 :arrow: Charge Rev T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Backaround :arrow: FL TA Rev into 23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-12 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Leigun to left hand

7:45 - 7:58

Sonic 34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23 :arrow: Sonic Rev 23-24 to Pass Rev 24-12 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: Charge 23 :arrow: Wiper 23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 23-34 :arrow: Demon's Sonic 34-12 :arrow: TA Rev into 23 (middle finger push) :arrow: Neosonic 23-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Extended TA T2-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Shadow 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12

7:59 - 8:06 (yoyo and pen)

Rock the Baby with yoyo :arrow: (Pass 12-23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-12) x4

8:07 - 8:16

TS 4.5 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23-34 :arrow: Demon's Sonic 34-12 :arrow: TA Harmonic :arrow: Fingerpass Combo :arrow: Charge 12 :arrow: Fingerpass Combo :arrow: TA Harmonic :arrow: TS 3.0

8:17 - 8:23

Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: TA :arrow: TA Rev into 23 (middle finger push) :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Double Backaround

8:24 - 8:38

Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23 :arrow: Wiper 23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-12 :arrow: Charge 12 :arrow: Wiper 12 :arrow: Wiper Harmonic T1 :arrow: Double Infinity Reverse Fall :arrow: Pass 23-12 :arrow: Sonic Rev 12-23 to Pass 23-34 Hybrid :arrow: Demon's Sonic :arrow: Wiper T2 :arrow: Figure 8 Rev T2 into 34 :arrow: iSonic 34 :arrow: Inverse Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Wiper 12

8:39 - 8:48

Charge 12 :arrow: Fingerpass Combo x2 :arrow: Charge 12 :arrow: Fingerpass Rev Combo :arrow: TA Harmonic into 23 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Charge 12 :arrow: Sonic 12-23 Rev :arrow: Pass 23-34 Rev :arrow: Demon's Sonic34-12 :arrow: TA Harmonic :arrow: TS 3.0

8:49 - 8:59

Demon's Sonic 34-12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Rev iSonic :arrow: spread fingers :arrow: Charge 12

9:00 - 9:07

Charge 12 :arrow: Fingerpass Combo :arrow: Warped Sonic 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic Rev T1-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev into 23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Leigun to left hand

9:08 - 9:11

Extended Fingerpass Combo x3

9:12 - 9:26

Sonic 34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23 :arrow: Wiper 23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-12 :arrow: Charge 12 :arrow: Charge Rev 12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-T1 :arrow: Wiper Rev T1 :arrow: Wiper T1 :arrow: Pass T1-12 :arrow: Charge Rev 12 :arrow: Pass Rev 12-23 :arrow: Wiper Rev 23 :arrow: Charge Rev 23 :arrow: Pass Rev 23-T2 :arrow: Figure 8 T2 into 34 :arrow: iSonic 34 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Wiper 12 :arrow: TA :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: Backaround

9:27 - 9:35

Fingerpass Combo Rev :arrow: 2 1/2 Fingerpass Combo :arrow: Demon's Sonic 34-12 :arrow: Neosonic Rev T1-12 :arrow: Fingerpass Combo Rev :arrow: TA Harmonic :arrow: TS 4.0

9:36 - 9:50

TS 3.0 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Inverse Warped Sonic 23-34 :arrow: Charge Rev 34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Wiper 23 :arrow: Charge 23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 32-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev :arrow: TA T2-T1 :arrow: TA Rev into 23 (middle finger push) :arrow: Neosonic 23-T1 :arrow: FL TA Rev into 23 :arrow: Warped Sonic 23-34 :arrow: Pass Rev 34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic Rev 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23-12 :arrow: Warped Sonic 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Fake Double :arrow: FL Fake Double Release 2.5

Ca bis Cz

Verfasst: 31.05.08 13:24
von BanzA
----- C -----

Cheukii (PDS)
!(PDS Solo Video) Cheukii
Block: anzeigen
Video: (PDS Solo Video) Cheukii
Zeitangabe: 00:04 - 00:14
BDer: aeiou
BD: Sonic 34-24 :+: Ma rev. 24-23 :arrow: tw. sonic 23-12 :arrow: scissorspin 0.5 12-t1 :+: Pass rev. t1-23-34 :arrow: Passaround 34-23 :arrow: inv. sonic 23-13 :+: Pass 13-34-23 :arrow: tw. sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass rev. 12-t1 :arrow: Passthrough t1 :arrow: Pass t1-12 :arrow: inv. tw. sonic rev. 12-23 :arrow: Ringback 23-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-t1 :arrow: Charge rev. t1 :arrow: fl. Ta rev. t1-12 :arrow: Backaround 12-t1 :arrow: Charge rev. t1 :arrow: fl. Ta rev. t1-23 :arrow: tw. Sonic 23-12 bust 1.5 :+: aerial (catch: linke Hand)
Cloud Traveler (PDS)
![PDS Solo]Cloud Traveler
Block: anzeigen
Video: [PDS Solo] Cloud Traveler
Zeitangabe: 00:24 - 00:37
BDler: VanReaper
BD:ta reverse 2 23 :arrow: pass 23-12 :arrow: korean backaround + fl ta rev :arrow: inverse sonic 13 + pass 34 sonic 34-23 :arrow: devil’s around bust :arrow: pass rev 12-23 :arrow: charge reverse:arrow: pass 23-12 :arrow: charge 12 :arrow: pass rev 12-23 :arrow: pass around 23-12 :arrow: pass 12-23 :arrow: twisted sonic23-12 :arrow: neosonic :arrow: charge rev t1(thumbflap charge) + fl ta rev :arrow: neobak 12-12 + midbak cont 1.5 x3 to 12:arrow:
inverse twisted sonic rev(pd) 12-23 :arrow: twisted sonic rev 23-34:arrow: pass 34-23:arrow: sonic 23-12
palm up switch :arrow: pass rev 12-23 :arrow: middelaround :arrow: neosonic 23 – t1 + fl ta

Da bis Dz

Verfasst: 31.05.08 13:31
von BanzA
----- D -----

-Noch keine Einträge-

Ea bis Ez

Verfasst: 31.05.08 13:32
von BanzA
----- E -----

Eriror (UPSB)
!PenSpinning Video - Eriror (2)
Block: anzeigen
Video: PenSpinning Video - Eriror [2]
Zeitangabe: 0-21 (alles)
BDer: Spin
BD: Inverse Twisted Sonic 34-23 --> Warped Sonic 23-34 --> Twisted Sonic 34-23 --> Reverse Pass 23-12-23-34 --> Sonic 34-23 --> Twisted Sonic 23-12 --> Warped Sonic 12-23 --> Devil's Spin 23-23 --> Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 --> Shadow 12-23 --> Inverse Warped Sonic 23-34 --> RingAround --> Sonic 34-23 --> Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 --> Shadow 12-23 --> Inverse Twisted Sonic 23-12 --> Warped Sonic 12-23 --> Twisted Sonic 23-12 --> TA Harmonic --> Inverse Twisted Sonic 23-12 --> Gunman 12-T1 --> Rev. Charge T1 --> FL. Rev. TA --> Rev. Inv. Twisted Sonic 12-23 --> Rev. Warped Sonic 23-12 --> Inverse Twisted Sonic Fall --> Rev. Charge 34 --> Inverse Twisted Sonic 34-23 --> Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 --> Shadow 12-23 --> Inverse Twisted Sonic 23-12 --> Warped Sonic 12-23 --> Twisted Sonic 23-12 --> Reverse Pass 12-23-34 --> Sonic 34-23 --> Twisted Sonic 23-12 --> Extended ThumbAround
!Tribute tu Eriror
Block: anzeigen
Video: Tribute to Eriror
Zeitangabe: 00:05 - 00:23
BDer: aeiou
BD: Tw. Sonic 34-23 :arrow: MA rev. :arrow: Tw. Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-t1 harm :arrow: Charge rev. 12 :arrow: Pass rev. 12-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-34 :+: Pass rev. 24-12 :arrow: Tw. Sonic rev. 12-23 :arrow: Tw. Sonic 23-12 :arrow: TA ext. cont x4 :arrow: Shadow 12-23 :arrow: inv. Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass rev. 12-23 :arrow: MA :arrow: Pass rev. 23-34 :arrow: Tw. Sonic 34-23 :arrow: MA rev. :arrow: Tw. Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-t1 harm. :arrow: Tw. Sonic rev 12-23 :arrow: Tw. Sonic 23-12 :arrow: TIA (ThumbIndexAround) :arrow: 1/2 FP rev. :arrow: Sonic 34-23 :arrow: Tw. Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Infinity ext. :+: Pass rev. 12-23 :arrow: Charge rev. 23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: Tw. Sonic 23-12 :arrow: TA ext. :arrow: Double TA
Eso (UPSB)
!Chinese Spirit Combo
Block: anzeigen
Video: Chinese Spirit Combo
Zeitangabe: 00:00 - 00:11 (ganzes Video)
BDer: aeiou
BD: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Indexaround rev. 12-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Thumbaround 12-t1 :arrow: Thumbaround rev. t1-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass rev. 12-t1 :arrow: Charge t1 :arrow: Neosonic rev. t1-12 :arrow: Pass rev. 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic rev. 23-34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 Bust Bust

Fa bis Fz

Verfasst: 31.05.08 14:06
von BanzA
----- F -----

Fratleym (FPSB)
!The Bird of Happiness
Block: anzeigen
Video: The Bird of Happiness
Zeitangabe: 02:37 - 02:57
BDer: aeiou
BD: inv. tw. sonic 34-23 :arrow: tw. sonic rev. 23-34 :arrow: Pass rev. 34-13 :arrow: IA 13-12 :arrow: tw. sonic rev. 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34 :arrow: tw. sonic 34-23 :arrow: Pass 23-12 :arrow: Pass rev. 12-23 :arrow: tw. sonic rev. 23-34 :arrow: tw. sonic 34-23 :arrow: Pass rev. 23-t2 :arrow: Wiper rev. t2 :arrow: Pass t2-23 :arrow: Counter Sonic 23-23 :arrow: Pass rev. 23-34 :arrow: tw. sonic 34-23 :arrow: Pass rev. 23-t2 :arrow: Charge t2 :+: Passthrough t2 :arrow: Wiper rev. t2 :arrow: Pass t2-34-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-13 :arrow: Tipped Sonic 13-t3 :arrow: Ta t3-t3 :arrow: Charge t3 :arrow: Neosonic rev. t3-34 :arrow: Sonic 34-24 :+: Ma rev. 24-23 :arrow: tw. sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-t1 :arrow: Tipped Sonic t1-12 :arrow: Charge rev. 12 :arrow: inv. sonic rev. 12-13 :+: Pass rev. 13-34 :arrow: Passaround rev. 34-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-13 :+: Tipped Sonic 13-t3 :arrow: Neosonic rev. t3-34 :arrow: charge rev. 34 :arrow: Pass 34-23 :arrow: tw. sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass rev. 12-t1 :arrow: charge t1 :arrow: neosonic rev. t1-12 :arrow: tw. sonic rev. 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: tw. sonic 23-12 bust bust
Fingerpass (PDS)
!Fingerpass Solovideo
Block: anzeigen
Video:Fingerpass Solovideo
BDer: Unbekannt

Neoback 12 -> Middleback 1.5 -> Middleback x2


TA Extended -> Fingerless TA -> Reverse Backaround -> TA Extended ->

Fingerless TA


Shadow 43/Devils Around (leider abgeschnitten) -> Reverse Pass 43-32

-> Shadow Still -> Reverse Twisted Sonic -> Reverse Pass 43-32 ->

Corkscrew -> Palmspin 0.5 -> Sonic -> Charge -> Shadow 13-23 ->

Reverse Pass 23-34 -> Demons Sonic -> Charge T1 -> Reverse Backaround

-> Reverse Pass 12-23 -> Twisted Sonic -> Neosonic 12-T1 -> Reverse

Charge T1 -> Fingerless Reverse TA -> Neoback 12 -> Middleback 1.5 ->



Passaround 43-32 -> Double Charge -> MiddleIndexaround (12 catch) ->

Pass 12-23 -> Middlearound -> Twisted Sonic -> Reverse Twisted Sonic

-> Reverse Sonic Clip + Reverse Pass 24-12 -> Reverse Twisted Sonic ->
Twisted Sonic -> Reverse Pass 12-23 -> TA (Middle Push) -> Flick 0.5

-> Fingerless TA + Faked Index -> Reverse Backaround -> Reverse Pass

12-23-> Double TA (Middle Push)


TA Extended -> Fingerless TA + Faked Index -> Reverse Twisted Sonic ->

Twisted Sonic -> Reverse Backaround -> Shadow 12-23 -> Charge ->

Reverse Shadow 13-12 -> Reverse Shadow + Fingerless Reverse TA ->

Twisted Sonic 23-12 -> Backaround -> Fingerless Pass -> Middleback x2


Neoback 12 -> Middleback x2 -> Reverse Sonic -> Twisted Sonic ->

Reverse Backaround -> Shadow Still -> Reverse Sonic -> Reverse Sonic

Clip + Reverse Pass 24-12 -> Reverse Twisted Sonic -> Twisted Sonic ->

Fake Double -> TA Harmonic -> Backaround -> Neoback 12 -> Reverse

Sonic -> Passaround 23-12 -> Pass 12-23 -> Twisted Sonic -> TA

Extended + Reverse Backaround


Devils Sonic 23-12 -> TA -> Indexspin 0.5 + Reverse Backaround 1.5 ->

Neoback 12-34 -> Sonic -> Twisted Sonic -> Reverse Pass 12-T1 ->

Reverse Pass T1-12 -> Reverse Twisted Sonic -> Twisted Sonic ->

Reverse Backaround 1.5 -> Reverse Sonic -> Passaround 23-12 -> Pass

12-23 -> Twisted Sonic -> TA Harmonic -> Backaround + Fingerless

Reverse TA -> Pass 12-23 -> Twisted Sonic -> TA + Leigun -> Left Hand



Backaround 1.5 x5


TA Extended -> Fingerless TA + Faked Index -> Reverse Twisted Sonic ->

Twisted Sonic -> Reverse Backaround -> Reverse Pass 12-23 -> Reverse

Twisted Sonic -> Pass 43-32 -> Twisted Sonic -> Reverse Twisted Sonic

-> Pass 23-12 -> Shadow Still -> Reverse Sonic -> Passaround 23-12 ->

Pass 12-23 -> Twisted Sonic -> TA Extended + Reverse Backaround


Reverse Ringback -> Fingerless Reverse Pass -> Reverse Middleback ->

Charge -> Shadow 13-23 -> Pass 23-12 -> Charge -> Reverse Pass 12-23

-> Middlearound -> Reverse Sonic Clip + Passaround 24-12 -> Pass 12-23

-> Twisted Sonic -> Indexaround -> Pass 12-23 -> Twisted Sonic +

Reverse Charge T1 -> Fingerless Reverse TA -> Backaround 1.5 ->

Neoback 12 -> Middleback 1.5 -> Middleback


Backaround 1.5 -> Charge 23 -> Pass 13-34 -> Twisted Sonic -> Reverse

Middlearound -> Twisted Sonic -> Backaround + Fingerless Reverse TA ->
Pass 23-12 -> Backaround -> Fingerless Pass -> Middleback 1.5 ->

Middleback -> Reverse Shadow Still -> Middleback 1.5 -> Middleback


Demons Sonic -> Pass 12-23 -> Middlearound x2 -> Reverse Sonic Clip +

Reverse Pass 24-12 -> Reverse Twisted Sonic -> Pass 23-12 -> Charge ->

Reverse Pass 12-23 -> Reverse Twisted Sonic -> Pass 43-32 -> Charge ->

Shadow 13-12 -> Reverse Twisted Sonic -> Passaround 23-12 -> Pass

12-23 -> Twisted Sonic -> TA Harmonic -> Backaround + Fingerless

Reverse TA -> Pass 12-23 -> Twisted Sonic -> TA Extended + Reverse



TA Extended -> Fingerless TA -> Charge T1 -> Reverse Backaround x2

Ga bis Gz

Verfasst: 31.05.08 14:35
von BanzA
----- G -----

-Noch keine Einträge-

Ha bis Hz

Verfasst: 31.05.08 15:15
von BanzA
----- H -----

-Noch keine Einträge-

Ia bis Iz

Verfasst: 31.05.08 15:19
von BanzA
----- I -----

-Noch keine Einträge-

Ja bis Jz

Verfasst: 31.05.08 15:46
von BanzA
----- J -----

-Noch keine Einträge-

Ka bis Kz

Verfasst: 31.05.08 15:47
von BanzA
----- K -----

Kam (UPSB)
!Superhandz Promo
Block: anzeigen
Video: Kam Superhandz Promo
Zeitangabe: alles
BDer: Unbekannt
Combo 1 :
Thumbaround Normal (pause) -> Thumbaround Reverse -> Thumbaround Normal (pause) -> Thumbaround Reverse -> Fake Triple -> Thumbaround Reverse -> Sonic Rise -> Thumbaround T11 Normal

Combo 2 :
Thumbaround Reverse -> Sonic 23-12 Normal -> Gunman Normal -> Pass T1-12 Reverse -> Pass 12-23 Reverse -> Pass 23-34 Reverse -> Thumbaround T33 Normal

Combo 3 :
Thumbaround Normal -> Palm Spin 3.0 Normal

Combo 4 :
Devil's Sonic 23-12 Normal -> Thumbaround Normal -> Twisted Sonic 23-12 Normal -> 1.5 Thumbspin Normal -> Fake Reverse -> Backaround 12-12 Normal

Combo 5 :
Infinity Normal x3 -> Double Infinity Normal x2 -> Triple Infinity Fall ->
Pass 34-23 Normal -> Pass 23-12 Normal -> Wiper T1 Normal -> (toss and catch)

Combo 6 :
Fake Reverse -> Fingerpass Normal -> Cobra -> Index finger Air Flip -> Backhand Stall

Combo 7 :
Halftap x9 -> Thumbaround Normal x7
Kirua (GPC)
!40 Minutes Freestyle
Block: anzeigen
Video: kirua in GPC [40 Minutes Freestyle)
Zeitangabe: 1:06-1:16
BDer: aeiou
BD: inv. Sonic 23-12 :+: Pass 13-34-23 :arrow: Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-t1 :+: fl. Ta rev. [c 23] :arrow: Ma rev. :arrow: Tw. Sonic 23-12 :+: Pass 13-34-23 :arrow: Tw. Sonic bust 23-12 :arrow: Pass rev. 12-t1 :arrow: Ta ext. :arrow: Double Ta

La bis Lz

Verfasst: 31.05.08 15:54
von BanzA
----- L -----

!The Bird of Happiness
Block: anzeigen
Video: The Bird of Happiness
Zeitangabe: 00:49 - 01:08
BDer: aeiou
BD: Backaround cont. x6 :arrow: Backaround :+: fl. Ta rev. :arrow: Pass T1-12-23 :arrow: inverse Sonic 23-13 :+: Pass 13-34 :arrow: Out-In Sonic 34-13 :+: IA rev. 13-13 :arrow: Pass 13-34-13 :arrow: IA rev. 13-13 :arrow: Pass 13-34-13 :arrow: IA rev. 13-13 :arrow: Pass 13-34-13 :arrow: Neosonic 13-t1 :arrow: Charge rev. t1 :arrow: fl.ta rev. :arrow: fl. Pass t1-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass rev. 12-t1 :arrow:
Ta ext. Bust Bust Bust :arrow: Shadow rev. 12-t1 :arrow: Charge rev. t1 :arrow: fl Ta rev. t1-12 :arrow: NeoBackaround 12-12 :arrow: fl. Pass 12-23 :arrow: Middlebackaround cont. x7 :arrow: Twisted Sonic rev. 12-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34 :arrow: Sonic 34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic 23-12 Bust Bust 1.5 Bust 1.5

Ma bis Mz

Verfasst: 31.05.08 16:04
von BanzA
----- M -----

Maniok (GPC)
!GPC 1st
Block: anzeigen
Video: GPC 1st
Zeitangabe: 1:47-1:56
BDer: Maniok
BD: Infinity double extended :arrow: wiper reverse :arrow: Sonic Rise :arrow: Sonic Fall :arrow: Sonic Rise :arrow: ta :arrow: ta rev. zu 23 :arrow: twisted sonic bust :arrow: shadow 12-23 :arrow: sonic normal palmdown :arrow: shadow still :arrow: Backaround
Block: anzeigen
Zeitangabe: 0:55-1:08
BDer: Maniok
BD: Sonic 34-23 :arrow: doublecharge reverse :arrow: pass 12-23-34 :arrow: Sonic 34-23 :arrow: Twisted Sonic :arrow: Ta Extended :arrow: Indexaround :arrow: pass 12-23-34 :arrow: Sonic Rise :arrow: neosonic 12-t1 :arrow: fl. ta rev. :arrow: neosonic 12-t1 :arrow: Tipped Sonic Fall :arrow: Sonic 34-23 :arrow: twisted sonic :arrow: ta :arrow: Palmspin 0.5 zu 34 :arrow: Sonic 34-23 :arrow: twisted sonic :arrow: shadow still :arrow: shadow reverse 12-34 :arrow: Sonic Rise :arrow: Ba
Block: anzeigen
Video: pen spinning combo by mykeul
Zeitangabe: 00:00 - 00:22 (ganzes Video)
BDer: aeiou
BD: Tw. Sonic 34-23 :arrow: inv. Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-t1 harmonic :arrow: Pass rev. 12-23-12-t1-12-23-12-t1-12-23-12-t1-12-23-12-t1-12-23-12-t1-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-t1 :arrow: Charge rev. t1 :arrow: fl. Ta rev. :arrow: Ba fall :arrow: Tw. Sonic bust 34-23 :arrow: Tw. Sonic bust 23-12 :arrow: Shadow 12-23 :arrow: Shadow 23-23 :arrow: inv. Tw. Sonic 23-12 :arrow: Shadow 12-23 :arrow: Pass rev. 23-12 :arrow: Ba rev. 12-12 :arrow: Inv. Tw. Sonic Rev 12-23 :arrow: Inv. Tw. Sonic Rev 23-34 :arrow: Demons Sonic 34-12 :arrow: Pass 12-23 :arrow: Ma rev. :arrow: Pass 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-t1
Minwoo (GPC)
!Clipbattle vs. Pumphead
Block: anzeigen
Video: Clipbattle vs. Pumphead
Zeitangabe: komplett
BDer: Minwoo
BD: Palmspin Rev ?4,5? ( Left Hand ) :arrow: catch 12 ( Right Hand ) :arrow: tw sonic rev12-23 :arrow: ma cont2 :arrow: pass rev23-12 :arrow: tw sonic rev12-23 :arrow: tw sonic triple bust :arrow: pass rev12-23 :arrow: ma :arrow: pass rev23-12 :arrow: tw sonic harmonic rev :arrow: ta to 34 :arrow: handcatch+palmspin 0,5 rev to 34 :arrow: sonic34-23 :arrow: sonic23-12 :arrow: neosonic12-t1 :arrow: tipped sonic t1 + t34 :arrow: pinkystall :arrow: ba34-t1 :arrow: fl charge rev :arrow: fl ta rev :arrow: ta :arrow: scissorspin :arrow: fl ta cont 2
MaKin (JEB)
Block: anzeigen
Video: 【JEB】DDD3rd
Zeitangabe: 00:24 - 00:35
BDer: aeiou
BD: tw. sonic 23-12 :+: warped sonic 12-23 :arrow: inv. sonic 23-13 :+: Ia 13-13 :arrow: Pass rev. 13-34 :arrow: Passaround 34-23 :arrow: Pass 23-34-23 :arrow: tw. sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass rev. 12-t1 :arrow: Ta rev. t1-23 :arrow: Pass 23-12 :arrow: Ba 12-t1 :+: fl. Ta rev. t1-23 :arrow: tw. sonic 23-12 :arrow: Pass rev. 12-t1 :arrow: Charge t1 :arrow: t1-t2 :arrow: Neosonic rev. t2-23 :arrow: inv. tw. sonic rev. 23-34 :arrow: Passaround 34-23 :arrow: tw.sonic 23-12 :arrow: Neosonic 12-t1 :arrow: Charge rev. t1 :arrow: fl. Ta rev. t1-12 :arrow: inv. tw. sonic rev. 12-23 :arrow: tw. sonic bust bust (aerial)bust
!Pendolsa 7th
Block: anzeigen
Video: Pendolsa 7th
Zeitangabe: 3:16-3:32
BDer: Nexus
BD: Infinity T1 2x -> Wiper Rev. T1 -> Passthrough 12-23-34 -> Sonic 34-23 -> Tw. Sonic 23-12 -> Pass Rev. 12-T1 -> Infinity T1 2x -> Wiper Rev. T1-34 -> Sonic Rise 34-12 -> Pass Rev. 12-T1 -> Wiper Rev. T1 -> ThumbAround -> TA Rev. Riser T1 X.X -> Lefthand Bounce T1-34 -> Charge 34 -> Sonic 34-23 -> Charge 23 -> Tw. Sonic 23-12 -> Pass Rev. 12-T1 -> TA T1-T1 -> TA Rev. Riser T1 X.X -> Righthand Bounce T1-23 -> Charge 23 -> Sonic 23-12 -> Charge 12 -> Sonic Fall 12-23 -> Sonic 34-23 -> Tw. Sonic 23-12 -> Pass Rev. 12-T1 -> TA -> TA rev. Riser -> Palmbounce -> Catch 23

*Breakdown kann aufgrund schlechten Videomaterials fehlerhaft sein