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Re: Sfsr in Berlin - 4-9 March

Verfasst: 04.02.09 22:51
von neXusql
Knowing a date sooner than later would be great, if this is happening I gotta take the day off at work.

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - 4-9 March

Verfasst: 04.02.09 23:01
von peat
as sfsr mentioned before, the only possible date for him to join happens to be thursday the 5th of march. meeting time and place is afaik still negotiable, but since there are no school holiday afternoon should fit for most of the guys :>
i reckon i'll be the aswell.. what about early afernoon like 4pm?

btw: do you really need to take one day off if you have an appointment in the afternoon? when do you finish working?

kind regards

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 05.02.09 14:54
von Sfsr
5th of March at 16.00/4pm it is then, though I guess we could adjust the time depending on when everyone has possibility to show up. Place is up to you guys to decide, I've never been to Berlin... :) Only criteria is that I need to be able to find it easily! Haha.

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 05.02.09 16:11
von Alucard
I think Berlin "Alexanderplatz" or "Kurfürstendamm" its very central and it symbolize the typical live in Berlin i think! And there are great places to chill out!

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 05.02.09 20:23
von peat
i'm not keen with places in berlin.. but i bet mcdonalds would be the easiest to find for the all of us, but it's kinda impossible to get a table and seats for us guys isn't it? anybody got spare rooms in berlin? :D

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 11.02.09 21:30
von McDudelsaeck
Just wanted to say it:

I can't promise anything, but I'm prolly in and around Berlin from 03.03.09. - 07.03.09. I'll try to come to. :)

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 19.02.09 19:42
von ibd
Hey I don't know whether I can come too, but I have an idea for a place where you /we can meet.
I think it's best somewhere near a big trainstation, so for example "Spandau Arcarden". It's directly next to trainstation Spandau and you can eat and spin there.
Cause I think it's difficult to find a special McDonalds in Berlin, there are thousands of McDonalds ;-)

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 22.02.09 21:35
von Sfsr
It would be awesome to meet you McDudel, I hope you can make it :)

I'm coming in less than two weeks! I should probably send out my cellphone number to someone. Can you guys contact eachother individually and make sure everyone finds the place and I'll exchange numbers with Alucard or something?

I mean that someone has to keep track of who's coming and has everyones cell#s.

I think close to Alexanderplatz would be a good meetingplace.

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 23.02.09 14:20
von Alucard
Jep. Okay Sfsr if its okay for you we'll meet at Alexanderplatz at the "Welzeittuhr"(World time clock").
I think its one of the famouest places around there.
Looks like this:


its near to the train station and i think you cant miss it. If you are at the station, the clock is on the opposite site of the television tower:

So for IBD:
Wende Spandauer Arkaden ankommst musste so fahren:
Steisgt eifnahc in die S9 oder S75 ein am bahnhof Spandau und fährst bis zum Alex(Alexanderpaltz) druch. Kein großes Umsteigen und nix^^

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 23.02.09 15:21
von Sleight
I`ll try to come too, but I`m not sure, because its a thursday.
If my parents get me permission, i would come.

könntest du mir bitte deine msn adresse geben?

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 24.02.09 13:59
von solapy
i want to come too! because i always wanted to see a great penspinner in real :ugly: :spin: :ugly:

can i come too?

@ gpc : ich weis mein englisch is grauenhaft aber ich bin stolz drauf :ugly: :ugly:



Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 26.02.09 11:27
von neXusql
Just come, it's not like we can stop you following us lol

Klar kannste vorbei kommen umso mehr umso besser denke ich.

This is getting close btw.

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 26.02.09 15:41
von solapy
// Fullquote entfernt
cool weil ich wohn in berlin da wärs ja praktisch^^

aber net wundern bin übelster noob :ugly: :ugly:

also spinne 2 wochen^^

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 27.02.09 00:41
von Xeo
Neat, good thing I didn't overlook this. :>
I'll also try to come, even though I only spin since 14th february. ^^
Hope you don't mind that. ;D
So, the World Time Clock is fixed as the gathering place? I'll be there. =)

Looking forward to see you. ^__^
Greetz, Xeo

PS: Maybe you can bring some Anyballs, if you can get them, 'cause I badly want some. :<
Oh, of course I would pay for them. ;)
Just tell me how much 1 costs and I tell you how many I want. :D
(If you can get them xD 'Cause here they say you can get them in Sweden: ... t=schweden / I highlighted Sweden^^)

Re: Sfsr in Berlin - Gathering 5th of March

Verfasst: 27.02.09 15:05
von Alucard
So Sfsr pls confirm that we'll meet at the World time Clock on Thursday. What time do you prefer? i think around 3pm is good isnt it?
Pls answer soon ^^