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Almad28 2nd

Verfasst: 11.10.09 16:03
von Almad28
Hi GPC !

My first collab, edited by Zoda, was released about 10 months ago.
Those who'd want to watch it have only to open the spoiler :^^:

So I'm happy to annouce to you the future release pof my sagas's second opus.
I want to make a great collab, with amazing spinners,but whose goal is to make you taste something different :P , about spin, music and editing, like the Almad28 1st.

• The editor will be my brother JulMad. Send us your combos by Megaupload or e-mail, @ : or

• The deadline is fixed on Sunday 29th of November.

• Please avoid the too long combos, to improve the editing, but more, to permit more spinners to get into this collab.

• The date of release will be on December 11th, That's to say my birthday's date.

Registered spinners :
- Almad28
- JulMad
- pen13
- G-Rap-H
- Zarglay
- Stéréo
- Losfan
- DvD
- Reaper
- Storm
- Blasfem

(A name with this colour means that his combo is received)
Good luck ! :D