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Taeko from FPSB =)

Verfasst: 15.06.11 16:08
von Taeko
Hallo !

I hope I am in the good part of the forum ^^"

I am Taeko from FPSB, a general moderator. My English is so fabulous you'll see that =P I know GPC have a lot of good moder and I am interesting to chat whith him or just see his creation ^^
So I am 16 year old and I began penspinning in november 2009. I love modding and penspinning in general, it'sa passion for me =D

Hum, I think I have finish my short presentation, I hope my bad English is'nt too horrible for correctly understand what I say ^^"

Tchüss ! =D

Re: Taeko from FPSB =)

Verfasst: 15.06.11 16:11
von computer70
Welcome, have fun here.

Re: Taeko from FPSB =)

Verfasst: 15.06.11 16:13
von Pat
welcome and have fun.
i guess I understand everything you said ^^

Re: Taeko from FPSB =)

Verfasst: 16.06.11 09:09
von diadoss
Pat hat geschrieben: i guess I understand everything you said ^^
Same for me

Re: Taeko from FPSB =)

Verfasst: 16.06.11 13:48
von Syrti
Haha I know you from PM's and the FPSB yet.
So an official welcome from my side =).

Re: Taeko from FPSB =)

Verfasst: 16.06.11 17:43
von Macspin
Welcome this is my first "Welcome" in English ^^
I like modding too :D
Have Fun
(and sorry for my bad english but i am 13 years old :) )

Re: Taeko from FPSB =)

Verfasst: 17.06.11 00:28
von Der erste Wusel
Yay, a friend from across the border! Your membership in this forum as some multicultural aspect is a big advantage for te GPC =)
Welcome and have fun.


Re: Taeko from FPSB =)

Verfasst: 25.06.11 12:02
von Taeko
Thanks a lot for all of your reply =D
I hope I'll have fun on this board ;)

Re: Taeko from FPSB =)

Verfasst: 25.06.11 14:04
von gamesmik123
Welcome :)