Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer

von WatS
25.07.11 06:32
Forum: Collaborations & offizielle Präsentationen
Thema: Happy Birthday CV
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 707

Happy Birthday CV

Happy Birthday, Dear sister!!

P.S. Special thanks for Impulse
von WatS
09.07.11 13:51
Forum: Video-Planung
Thema: Happy Birthday CV
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 2451

Happy Birthday CV

Hello, GPC! I'm WatS from KzPSC My sister's birthday will be soon and I want to do the CV as a present. I need 3 people To join can everyone, but I will choose 3 best combos by my opinion Deadline: 17 july /in: Xienix [NLPSC] eazi-penspinner [UPSB] Minlaotion [UPSB] aiman0802 [MyPSC] WatS [KzPSC] -a...
von WatS
23.05.10 07:59
Forum: Off-Topic / Hobbys
Thema: KzPSC
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 529


Hello german spinners! I'm from Kazakhstan from KzPSC(Kazakhstan Pen Spinning Community). In Kazakhstan pen spinning just started to develop. Our web-site: http://penspinning.kz
^^ Good luck!!